Artsplay Highland is an early years arts organisation and charity based in the Highlands of Scotland. We specialise in delivering music and arts workshops for children aged eight and under and the adults who care for them.
Our main purpose as an organisation is to make the arts accessible to all, to inspire creativity, and for everyone involved to learn through having fun. Our current projects are music based and at the start of each term we stimulate imagination and education with guest artists from all different arts such as storytelling, visual arts, dance and drama. Artsplay Highland also loves sharing our knowledge with other adults through in-house training during the sessions and through in-person and online training workshops. We deliver sessions in both English and in Gaelic. Some of our sessions are fully funded, others are bought in by toddler groups, nurseries, schools and other organisations. Seo an làrach-lìn againn far am faigh thu a-mach na cur-seachadan anns a bheil sinn an sàs agus mu na pròiseactan bra a bhios sinn a chuir air dòigh! Seo an làrach-lìn againn far am faigh thu a-mach na cur-seachadan anns a bheil sinn an sàs agus mu na pròiseactan ùra a bhios sinn a chuir air dòigh! 'S e ar prìomh amas gum bi sinn ag ionnsachadh tro dhòighean spòrsail tarraingeach a' gabhail a-steach luchd-ealain, luchd-cùram, luchd-teagaisg agus aig cridhe gnothaichean clann is daoine-òga!'S e ar prìomh amas gum bi sinn ag ionnsachadh tro dhòighean spòrsail tarraingeach a' gabhail a-steach luchd-ealain, luchd-cùram, luchd-teagaisg agus aig cridhe gnothaichean clann is daoine-òga! |
"Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere." Albert Einstein |
Seinn air LiodhneGaelic songs for toddlers, their parents and carers on Artsplay Highland Youtube channel |
Seinn is Cluich air LiodhneSimple Gaelic songs and arts for toddlers, their parents and carers, on our YouTube channel
Music In MindA music and mindfulness collaborative project with Collywobbles Highland for Primary One children |